Physical Therapy Areas of Specialization

Pre and Post Surgery

You have an upcoming surgery scheduled and want an effective recovery plan. You know that gaining strength before surgery can support the healing. A physical therapist will guide you through the surgery and recovery process, become your advocate while navigating medical terrain, and provide individualized and holistic rehabilitation.

Chronic Pain

You have been to physical therapy before, received several different diagnoses, and the pain is still there. No matter what type of therapy you try, who you seek for advice, or how much time has passed, you do not feel like yourself.  We understand that living with lasting pain impacts everything. A physical therapist from PT Direct offers a new experience. A combination of a unique exercise regimen, rehab in the comfort of your home, and personalized and positive support will result in one thing. Change.

Deconditioned Health

You are struggling to get yourself moving again and have difficulty getting out of the house. You want to improve your overall strength and mobility but aren’t sure where to start. Past experiences may tell you to take it slow or don’t take risks. At PT Direct, we work with you to create a plan that fits your unique goals and provide confidence to live how you want.  

Urgent Physical Therapy Expertise

You are suddenly feeling pain and don’t know where to go. A physical therapist can promptly meet you to answer your questions and direct you to either a short-term or long-term treatment plan. This may include a recommendation for further imaging, medical specialists, or a home exercise plan. We will stay connected with you as long as you need to feel better about your body.

Neurological Rehabilitation

Life changes with a neurological condition. Whether it be a stroke, spinal cord injury, Parkinson's Disease, or Multiple Sclerosis, how you move and function is different. At Physical Therapy Direct, we provide the knowledge and tools needed to adjust to changes in neurological function. Our focus on functional independence allows patients to get back to daily activities such as household chores, participating in social activities, entering/exiting vehicles, and navigating steps. We carefully asses any necessary changes to the environment or equipment, such as wheelchairs, walkers, grab bars, or orthotics, that can aid in functional activities. We educate the family so the patient is left in quality care after discharge. 

Amputation/Prosthetic Limb Rehabilitation

You are ready to get back to life's activities with your new prosthetic limb. At Physical Therapy Direct, we are dedicated to helping you regain mobility, independence, and overall well-being. We provide guidance on limb management and offer personalized exercise programs to strengthen your residual limb, improve balance, and develop a natural walking pattern. We will empower you to overcome challenges, regain mobility, and embrace a future filled with possibilities.